Please come together to drive the first foundation pile of Pathumrattana Dhamma Cetiya
The Khong River is the source of civilization for many nationalities. The International Buddha Park is being established to be a center of mind for Buddhists. Please come together to drive the first foundation pile of Pathumrattana Dhamma Cetiya at the park for a big merit and to strengthen the good connection.
The Photo Collection of the International Seminar on Early Buddhism
Dhammachai International Research Institute arranged the International Seminar on Early Buddhism at the United Nation Conference Center on March 8th, 2012. Here is the photo collection.
ประชุม General Conference ครั้งที่ 16
องค์กรยุวพุทธศาสนิกสัมพันธ์แห่งโลก ได้จัดประชุมใหญ่ General Conference ครั้งที่ 16
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms to 1,000,000 Monks
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms To 1,000,000 Monks From All Temples Nationwide For Celebrating the Lord Buddha’s 2,600th Enlightenment Day
International Vesak Celebration at Washington, D.C., Sunday, May 31st, 2015
It started from the registration and conversation of international Buddhist monks. The international monks who came to the temple included ones from Thailand, America, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
The Photo Collection of the Evidences of Dhammakaya in the Ancient Buddhist Scripture Seminar
The 11th International Dhammadayada Ordination Program
Press Conference of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall
The participants of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall unveil in the press conference about this activity. The Morning Alms Round will be held on July 7th, 2012.
The Press Conference of the Rain Retreat 100,000-Monk Ordination Project Nationwide
The International Dhammadayada Ordination Program :- The 5th Special Session
The information about the International Dhammadayada Ordination Program of Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand. Love yourself in the right way and get the new experience, this program is more special than what you think.